I'm Gonna Make (2024 Remake)

8 Chicken Nuggets

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I'm Gonna Make It is a song written to address our biological dad not being in our lives. Lots of people grow up in single parent homes, and sometimes we don't think it's a big deal. But that doesn't mean you aren't hurt, you know? We don't know if he'll ever hear this song, but it's our way of communicating that is was hard when he left, but

I'm Gonna Make It is a song written to address our biological dad not being in our lives. Lots of people grow up in single parent homes, and sometimes we don't think it's a big deal. But that doesn't mean you aren't hurt, you know? We don't know if he'll ever hear this song, but it's our way of communicating that is was hard when he left, but we'll be just fine. To everyone out there hurting from someone leaving, or making excuses for being a horrible person to you...YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT!

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